Spice Up Your Weblog With Video

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s been an explosion of online media over the past few years. With less expensive bandwidth and hosting, along with better, cheaper and simpler publishing tools, it’s never been easier for individuals to express themselves online. Although it’s impossible to know for sure, some estimate that there are now over 100 million weblogs in the world. As the sources of content expand, so does the richness of media presented.

Perhaps you’ve already been blogging for some time, and maybe you’ve already been adding images and other media to your blog, but you’ve not yet delved into online video. You don’t need to be a video expert in order to add this engaging content to your site. Here are three simple ways to spice up your weblog with video.

Search the popular video sites. There are so many sites online now offering free videos that the biggest problem will be deciding which to visit. A simple Google search for “online video” shows nearly a half-billion returns. You could narrow the search to include the subject of your weblog or your topic for the day, or you could simply visit some of the online video sites and browse what they have to offer. Some popular video sites include YouTube, MEVIO and Metacafe. There are also specialized video sites that focus on particular content, such as comedy, music, news, etc. It’s a good idea to check whether the site allows you to embed its videos on your blog before spending a great deal of time searching its collection. Many sites make it very easy to post videos back to your blog, offering code that you can cut and paste, or sometimes even allowing you to log in and post to your blogging service right from their site. Look for the words “share” or “embed” and you’ll likely find all of the options right there.

Subscribe to video blogs or podcasts. Just as you may already subscribe to feeds from other blogs you enjoy, and may link back to them from time to time or post commentary on your own blog that refers to them, why not do the same with video blogs or videocasts you enjoy? Again, most vlogs or videocasts have some mechanism for you to embed or otherwise share their videos on your site. By subscribing to the ones you like, you’ll have a steady stream of engaging video content to review and share with your visitors.

Finally, you can always create your own Resep Makanan Indonesia to share. It doesn’t take a professional studio or complicated editing software to make a video. A typical webcam or video-capable digital camera will do the trick. Many bloggers simply start the recording, share their thoughts and click “stop” when they’re done – much like a web chat with a friend. Some go to greater lengths of course, preparing actual scripts, picking a location for shooting, etc., but that’s not necessary. You may be surprised at the response you get from readers of your blog once they’re able to actually see the person behind the posts. Adding your own videos can make the rest of your content even more personal and compelling.