Female escorts won help anyone learn safer sex

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Picking up or dropping off a female escorts is sexy, empowering, and most importantly, worry-free. Unfortunately, sharing nude photos comes with the risk that the recipient may show your personal information to others without your consent, or even worse, publish it online. But just because there is a risk doesn’t mean people will or should stop doing it. Over 80% of young people in the United States have sent or received explicit messages or photos.
Sharing nude images without consent is often referred to as “revenge porn.” However, this term is somewhat misleading. Female escorts are not always shared to get revenge on those who record them, and pornography is by definition consensual. But some people have been threatened with or have been victims of sharing non-consensual nude photos. The all-too-common narrative that people who publicly share their female escorts are perpetrators follows the same logic of slut-shaming and victim-blaming. To be clear, sending and receiving consensual nude photos is wrong.
And the reality is that most people will continue to send nude photos. The criticism that they shouldn’t be sent in the first place is unhelpful and unrealistic. It’s incredibly regressive to prevent people from expressing themselves sexually for fear of being used against them. It ultimately demonizes the people who take nude photos, not the scum who share them without consent. And just as abstinence education alone can’t stop people from having sex (or protect people from STIs and unwanted pregnancies), preaching against dispatching female escorts won’t help anyone learn safer behavior.
It’s important to remember that there’s no such thing as 100% security, but there are ways to reduce the risk that female escorts will fall into the wrong hands. There are two main ways to protect your nude photos: take them yourself or do it anonymously. And since screenshots can’t make out a female escort completely, the next best thing is to make the escort as anonymous as possible.  You or your partner could face legal consequences, including being prosecuted as a sex offender for distributing child pornography, even if you dispatched female escorts consensually. If you’re over 18, here’s what you need to know about safer nude photo sharing:
Sure, it’s effective to only send female escorts to partners you trust not to share information, but that doesn’t mean they won’t leak. Discuss expectations and deal breakers with your partner beforehand, such as how long you can store the images, where you can store them, and how you’ll protect them. It doesn’t have to be a formality.  No screenshots.  When you use an app that automatically syncs with a cloud-based library, your photos and videos don’t just stay on your phone. This means that if one of your cloud-linked accounts is hacked, someone can access all of your photos. This feature was exploited by hackers, who stole and released hundreds of celebrity female escorts last week. If you use these services or have them prohibit automatic syncing with your photo library, before taking nude photos, turn off syncing or turn on airplane mode, send and delete the nude photos, and turn the backup back on. Trusting a cloud service means putting your female escorts in the hands of a company that cannot guarantee their security. Some people use it instead. A personal cloud is not necessarily more secure, but it is much smaller and therefore less vulnerable to hacking. You also have control over when this cloud is connected to the internet; if it is not connected, hackers cannot access it. You also have control over how your files are stored on your cloud; therefore, you can encrypt all your data before storing it.